About Me

Since November 2021 I have been a postdoctoral researcher at TU/e under the supervision of Professor Laura Sanita . I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science in the Algorithms and Complexity group at the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research (IDSIA) in April 2021, supervised by Professor Fabrizio Grandoni . After that, I worked for 8 months as a postdoctoral researcher at IDSIA in the group led by Professor Fabrizio Grandoni .
My research focuses on the design of Approximation Algorithms for Discrete Optimization problems, more specifically for Survivable Network Design problems. Survivable Network Design is currently a very active field of research that finds applications in transportation systems and social networks, just to name a few. Along this line, I have designed improved approximation algorithms for well-studied network design problems such as the Connectivity-Augmentation problems and minimum k-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraphs. Furthermore, I am interested in designing Approximation Algorithms on geometric problems, which led to some publications in the field of Geometrical Packing Problems.

Research interests: Approximation Algorithms, Graph Theory, Learning Augmented Algorithms, Fairness in Sports, Parameterized Complexity, Computational Geometry

B.Sc.: Computer Engineering (Software), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (September 2010 - July 2015)
Master: Algorithms and Computation, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (September 2015 - March 2017)
Ph.D.: Computer Science (Approximation Algorithm for Survivable Network Design), IDSIA, Lugano, Switzerland (April 2017- April 2021)
PostDoc: IDSIA, Lugano, Switzerland (May 2021 - October 2021)
PostDoc: TU/e, Eindhoven, Netherlands (November 2021 - [Expected] June 2024)



  • Lecturer in TU/e: Graphs and Algorithms 2MMD30 (Q3 2022-2023) - Master course
  • Lecturer of Graph Theory Course in Iranian National Olympiad in Informatics Summer school (2012-2020)
  • Teacher of Discrete Mathematics in Farzanegan High School, Tehran, Iran (2014-2020)
  • Lecturer of Discrete Mathematics Course in Iranian National Olympiad in Informatics Summer school (2014-2015)
  • Mentor and deputy leader of Iran’s team in International Olympiad (2016)

Prizes and Awards

  • Best ICALP Paper Award for the paper
    "A 4/3 Approximation for 2-Vertex-Connectivity"
    with F. Grandoni and M. Bosch-Calvo(2023)
  • Awarded Flowship of Exceptional Talents by National Elite Foundation for B.Sc. and M.Sc. Program (2010 & 2015)
  • Ranked 5th in national graduate entrance exam in Computer Science (2015)
  • Bronze Medal in the Asia Pacific Olympiad in Informatics (2010)
  • Gold Medal in National Olympiad in Informatics (2009)
  • Bronze Medal in National Olympiad in Mathematics (2009)

Scientific Reviewing

  • Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics, Journal of Mathematical Programming, Algorithmica

Other Activities

  • Head of Theoretical Contests Committee of Iraninan National Olympiad in Informatics
  • Co-founder and member of ICO


  • A. Abiad, A. Jabal Ameli and L. Reijnders "The clique number of the exact distance t-power graph: complexity and eigenvalue bounds", Discrete Applied Mathematics
  • D. Hyatt Denesik, A. Jabal Ameli and B. Smeulders "Approximation Algorithm for k-scenario Matching Problem", WAOA 2024
  • D. Hyatt Denesik, A. Jabal Ameli and L. Sanita "Improved Approximation for Flexible Network Design", ESA 2024
  • D. Hyatt Denesik, A. Jabal Ameli and L. Sanita "Finding Almost Tight Witness Trees", ICALP 2023
  • M. Calvo Bosch, F. Grandoni and A. Jabal Ameli "A 4/3 Approximation for 2-Vertex-Connectivity", ICALP 2023
  • M. Garg, F. Grandoni and A. Jabal Ameli ”Improved Approximation for Two-Edge-Connectivity”, SODA 2023
  • F. Grandoni, A. Jabal Ameli and V. Traub ”Breaching the 2-approximation Barrier for the Forest Augmentation Problem”, STOC 2022
  • W. Galvez, F. Grandoni, A. Jabal Ameli and K. Khodamoradi ”On the Demand Strip Packing problem", APPROX 2021
  • W. Galvez, F. Grandoni, A. Jabal Ameli, K. Jansen, A. Khan and M. Rau, ”A Tight (3/2+&epsilon) Approximation for Skewed Strip Packing”, Algorithmica (Preliminary version accepted in APPROX 2020)
  • J. Birka, F. Grandoni and A. Jabal Ameli, ”Breaching 2-approximation for Connectivity Augmentation Problem”, SIAM Journal of Computing (Preliminary version accepted in STOC 2019)
  • W. Galvez, F. Grandoni, A. Jabal Ameli and K. Sornat, ”On The Cycle Augmentation Problem: Hardness and Approximation Algorithms”, Thoery of Computing systems 2021 (Preliminary version accepted in WAOA 2019)
  • A. Jabal Ameli and H. Zarrabi-zadeh, ”On the Maximum Triangle Enclosure Problem”,ICCG 2018


  • ”Recent Advances for Survivable Network Design Problems”, ISTA CGT Seminar, November 2024, ISTA, Vienna
  • ”Approximation Algorithms for Survivable Network Design”, ULB Seminars, May 2024, ULB, Brussels
  • ”A 4/3-Approximation for Two-Vertex-Connectivity”, Bocconi University Seminar, December 2023, Bocconi University, Milan
  • ”A 4/3-Approximation for Two-Vertex-Connectivity”, 12th Cargese-Porquerolles Workshop, September 2023, Porquerolles
  • ”Improved Approximation for Two-Edge-Connectivity”, Seminar and PhD Seminar on Combinatorics, Games and Optimisation, February 2023, London School of Economic and Political Sciences, London
  • ”Improved Approximation for Two-Edge-Connectivity”, Bocconi Theory Day, January 2023, Bocconi University, Milan
  • ”Breaching the 2-approximation for connectivity augmentation problem", Approximation and Relaxation Workshop, November 2021, HCM, Bonn
  • ”Approximation Algorithms for Connectivity Augmentation Problem”, HCM Seminars, July 2021, HCM, Bonn


  • Address: Room 4.100, MetaForum, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • Email: a.jabal.ameli@tue.nl